Download Link at the bottom.

Update 5/01/23:

Implemented Player

  •  - player controller move relative to the mouse
  •  - player gun fires at the mouse position

Implemented bullets

Created basic sprites for the enemies and players.

Created some visual stuff

  •  - Star particle field follows the player
  •  - custom mouse cursor
  •  - Post-processing
  •  - ammo bar
  •  - health bar
  •  - wave number
  •  - enemy counter
  • - trails for enemies and players

Added Score system:

  •  - The player gets points for killing enemies
  •  - Score increases over time

Added Item pickups

  •  - Ammo pick-up restores ammo
  •  - health pick up restores health

Updated sprites.

  • - The player got a new sprite.
  •  - Enemies got new sprites
  •  - Item and bullet sprites added

Created a Basic finite state machine was created for enemies.

Update 6/01/23:

Added Turret enemy

  •  - turret enemy shoots at the player & asteroid in range
  •  - Turret enemy looks at the closest target
  •  - follows parent asteroid

Added UI Compass to the nearest enemy

Added Keep in-range system

  •  - labelled objects now stay in a range of player

Added Menu system

  •  - Start menu
  •  - Respawn menu
  •  - End menu

Update 7/01/23:

Added Chaser enemy

  •  - chaser enemies avoiding obstacles using raycasts
  •  - chaser enemy follows the player
  •  - chaser enemy shoots at the player

Added Asteroid field

  •  - Asteroid spawn & despawn system
  •  - asteroid keeps in range of player
  •  - asteroids die when shot
  •  - asteroids can damage the player

Made dead sprites for players and enemies

Update 8/01/23:

Added Twin enemy

  •  - Uses two guns, slower than the chaser but has more health
  •  - Twin enemy avoiding obstacles
  •  - Twin enemy follows the player
  •  - Twin enemy shoots at the player

Implemented Sounds system:

  •  - Player sounds are done.
  •  - Enemy sounds are done.

Implemented Spawner system

  •  - can now spawn enemies from an object pool
  •  - enemies now respawn correctly when reactivated
  •  - fixed enemies keeping dead sprites on respawn

Update 10/01/23:

Implemented Wave system 

  •  - spawns a specific number of enemies when a wave starts
  •  - variable waves can be set up in the inspector

Added Drone Enemy

  •  - chases player
  •  - explodes on contact with player.

Update 11/01/23:

Finished the high-score system

Enemies now drop  items

Update 12/01/23;

Implemented Factory Enemy

  •  - Spawns up to 3 Drones;

Officially released the game: Hope nothing's broken :)

-- Added downloadable version cos the web-player sucks


Aliens and 30 MB

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